Saturday 30 November 2013

Fulfilling Dreams

It's been another couple of busy day and this will probably be my last blog from Malawi before I head home and upload the millions of photo's I have taken so that everyone can see as well as read about what I've been up to.

Yesterday I went out to meet some students Joshua is supporting at a school called Chilaweni. It's a Secondary School about half an hours drive from the centre of Blantyre and here I met three students who are being sponsored thanks to the support of Heathfield and Waldron Rotary Club

The three girls I met were Charity, Stella and Chifundo. Stella and Chifundo are both "double orphans" in Malawi this means that they have lost both parents, and in the majority of cases, this is because of HIV/AIDS. And the third girl, Charity lives with her Aunt, her mother died when she was just 6 years old and her father abandoned her.

Incredibly though these three young ladies we funny, charming, shy, and everything else you would expect young teenagers to be, despite the tragedies they have experienced in their lives.

They have been sat at home helping around the house, and when the sponsorship came through from Heathfield and Waldron they and their families were over the moon.

Charity said "Thank you very much, you have changed my life by giving me the opportunity to to go to secondary school."

Stella's Grandmother said "Thank you so much, I could not have afforded t pay her school fee's and now she can support herself in the future"

And Chifundo said "When I was told that I was coming back to school I was so happy because it means that I can fulfill my dreams. Thank you, please help others as you are helping me."

An inspiring group of young ladies, lets try and help even more in 2014.